Department / History

Dr. Chanda S. Jagtap
Head & Professor
M.A.(History), M.Phill., P.hd.
The Department of History of Prof. Rajabhau Deshmukh Kala Mahavidyalaya, Nandgaon Kh.came into existence with the beginning of the college itself since 1990. The college is located in the rural area and most of the villages are attached to the college. Therefore, most of the students who offered history as a optional subject, are from remote area where there is a little sense of History. But year after year student’s attendance and curiosity about the history has been increasing.
To keep students in touch with Historical aspect, the Department has formed “History Study Association” it organizes many programmes to give more information about history to the student’s. The History Association had taken up various activities to broaden the dimensions of the tours help the students to get factual details about the incidents happened in the History. The Department has not only taught the prescribed syllabus but also has tried to change and develop the personalities of the students, which would be helpful to face the challenges of modern era. It had made the students aware of the modern generation and society by giving them current knowledge to enhance their Historical sprit. The department has given personal attention to the students for preparation of competitive examination. It has given personal guidance to the external students are preparing for such examinations. The Department also helps the external students to prepare for SET, NET test that is mandatory to acquire lectureship in Senior College.
Dr. C. S. Jagtap